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Instructor Name

Leena Doe




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Course Requirements

To enroll in the "Machine Learning Fundamentals" course, the following requirements should be met:

Ø  Programming Knowledge: Basic programming skills are essential for understanding and implementing machine learning algorithms. You should have prior experience with a programming language such as Python, Java, or R. Familiarity with data structures, control flow, and functions will be beneficial.

Ø  Mathematics Foundation: A foundational understanding of mathematics is necessary for comprehending the underlying concepts in machine learning. You should have knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory. Familiarity with topics like derivatives, matrices, vectors, and probability distributions is recommended.

Ø  Statistics Knowledge: Understanding statistical concepts is crucial for evaluating and interpreting machine learning models. Familiarity with concepts such as hypothesis testing, probability distributions, and descriptive statistics will be beneficial.

Ø  Computer and Software: Access to a computer with a compatible operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) is required. Additionally, you will need to have software tools installed for programming and running machine learning algorithms. Popular options include Python programming language, Jupyter Notebook or IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and relevant libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn.

Ø  Data Manipulation and Analysis: Basic knowledge of data manipulation and analysis techniques is important for working with datasets in machine learning. Understanding concepts like data preprocessing, feature engineering, and data visualization will enhance your learning experience.

Ø  Mathematics and Programming Resources: Access to relevant textbooks, online tutorials, and resources for further learning and reference is recommended. This will help deepen your understanding of the mathematical and programming concepts related to machine learning.

Ø  Time Commitment: Dedicate sufficient time to study and practice the course materials. Machine learning requires hands-on implementation and experimentation, so allocating regular time for coding and experimentation is crucial.

Course Description

The "Machine Learning Fundamentals" course provides a comprehensive introduction to machine learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence focused on developing algorithms that enable computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. This course is designed to lay the foundation for understanding the key concepts, algorithms, and techniques used in machine learning.

The course begins with an overview of machine learning, covering its applications, basic terminology, and the types of problems it can solve. You will then delve into the essential mathematical and statistical concepts required for understanding machine learning algorithms.

As you progress, the course covers various types of machine learning algorithms, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. You will learn about popular algorithms such as linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, support vector machines, k-means clustering, and neural networks.

The course emphasizes a hands-on approach, where you will implement machine learning algorithms using programming languages such as Python. You will learn how to preprocess data, train models, evaluate model performance, and make predictions using real-world datasets. Additionally, the course will cover techniques for model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and model validation to ensure reliable and accurate results.

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will have achieved the following learning outcomes:

ü  Understanding of Machine Learning Concepts: Develop a solid understanding of the key concepts and terminology used in machine learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, feature selection, and model evaluation.

ü  Knowledge of Machine Learning Algorithms: Familiarize yourself with popular machine learning algorithms, their strengths, weaknesses, and appropriate use cases. Gain hands-on experience in implementing these algorithms for various tasks.

ü  Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering: Learn techniques for cleaning, transforming, and preprocessing datasets to make them suitable for machine learning tasks. Explore feature engineering methods to extract meaningful information from raw data.

ü  Model Evaluation and Selection: Understand how to evaluate the performance of machine learning models using appropriate metrics and validation techniques. Gain knowledge of model selection methods to choose the best algorithm for a given problem.

ü  Practical Implementation Skills: Acquire practical skills in implementing machine learning algorithms using programming languages and relevant libraries. Gain experience in working with real-world datasets and addressing common challenges in machine learning projects.

The "Machine Learning Fundamentals" course is suitable for individuals with a basic understanding of programming and mathematics who are interested in exploring the field of machine learning. It provides a solid foundation for further learning and specialization in machine learning and related areas.

Course Curriculum

1 Intro
10 Min

2 Classification NN using Tensorflow

3 Principal Component Analysis
20 Min


Leena Doe

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14 Students
8 Courses

Doe was appointed to the London School of Economics (LSE) faculty in2014 , having previously worked at the Boston Consulting Group. Her areas of expertise encompass leadership, negotiation, decision-making, and organizational behavior. She is a member of the academic leadership team for the Executive Global Master's in Management, which is LSE's on-campus, state-of-the-art alternative to an MBA. Additionally, she teaches the School's most successful executive course on campus, Achieving Leadership Excellence

“As a professional educator with a diverse background, I have a proven track record of promoting a student-centered curriculum and fostering student creativity. I am a warm and caring teacher who is dedicated to ensuring that all students achieve success as learners. I strive to create a classroom environment that is stimulating, encouraging, and adaptable to the diverse needs of my students.”

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Machine Learning Fundamentals


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