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Instructor Name

Salem Sobha




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Course Requirements

  • To enroll in the "Cloud Computing" course, the following requirements should be met:

    Ø  Basic Computer Skills: A solid understanding of computer systems, networks, and the internet is necessary. Familiarity with operating systems, file management, and basic networking concepts will be beneficial.

    Ø  Programming Knowledge: Basic programming skills are recommended to understand the cloud computing concepts and implement solutions. Familiarity with a programming language such as Python, Java, or C# will be advantageous.

    Ø  Networking Fundamentals: Basic knowledge of networking concepts such as IP addressing, routing, and protocols (TCP/IP) will aid in understanding cloud networking and connectivity.

    Ø  Storage and Database Concepts: Familiarity with storage concepts, file systems, and databases will be helpful in comprehending cloud storage and database services.

    Ø  Virtualization Understanding: Understanding the basics of virtualization, including virtual machines, hypervisors, and containerization, will provide a foundation for understanding cloud infrastructure.

    Ø  Familiarity with Web Services: Basic knowledge of web services, APIs, and RESTful architecture will be beneficial in understanding cloud service interactions and integrations.

    Ø  System Administration Skills: Having a basic understanding of system administration concepts, such as user management, permissions, and system monitoring, will aid in managing cloud resources effectively.

    Ø  Operating System Knowledge: Familiarity with operating systems like Linux and Windows will be advantageous for working with cloud platforms.

Course Description

The "Cloud Computing" course offers a comprehensive introduction to cloud computing technologies and platforms, with a focus on the leading providers such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), Azure (Microsoft Azure), and Google Cloud. This course covers the fundamental concepts, services, and best practices involved in cloud computing.

The course begins with an overview of cloud computing, explaining its benefits, architecture models, and deployment models. You will learn about Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) models, along with the concepts of elasticity, scalability, and on-demand resource provisioning.

Next, the course delves into the specific cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. You will learn about their core services, such as virtual machines, storage, databases, networking, and identity and access management. The course also covers advanced services like serverless computing, containers, big data processing, and machine learning in the cloud.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience by working with the cloud platforms and utilizing their services through practical exercises and projects. You will learn how to provision and manage virtual machines, configure storage and databases, set up networking, and deploy applications in the cloud.

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will have achieved the following learning outcomes:

ü  Understanding Cloud Computing Concepts: Gain a solid understanding of cloud computing fundamentals, including its architecture, deployment models, and service models.

ü  Proficiency in Cloud Platforms: Acquire practical skills and knowledge of AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud platforms. Understand their core services, features, and management interfaces.

ü  Cloud Infrastructure Management: Learn how to provision, configure, and manage cloud infrastructure components, such as virtual machines, storage, and networks.

ü  Application Deployment and Scalability: Understand how to deploy applications in the cloud, configure auto-scaling, and leverage load balancing for efficient and scalable deployments.

ü  Cloud Security and Compliance: Explore security measures and best practices for securing cloud resources and data. Understand compliance requirements and implement appropriate measures.

ü  Cost Optimization: Learn techniques for optimizing costs in the cloud, such as resource management, pricing models, and monitoring usage.

The "Cloud Computing" course is suitable for individuals interested in cloud computing careers, system administrators, developers, and IT professionals looking to gain expertise in cloud technologies. It provides a strong foundation for leveraging cloud platforms to build scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions.

Course Curriculum

1 relational database

2 data warehousing
20 Min


Salem Sobha

0 Rating
0 Reviews
4 Students
9 Courses

Hey there! I'm an Online Marketing tutor with over 11 years of experience in Digital Marketing. I offer jargon-free classes to individuals at any level, whether you're a beginner or already have some knowledge of biddable media. I've trained members of staff to increase their knowledge and also people who have never worked with Google, Facebook, or any other biddable channels before.

I absolutely love education (I'm currently studying at University myself), and I'm confident that I can deliver the courses in a way that you'll get a lot out of the sessions. I'm passionate about passing on knowledge because I believe that as an industry, we can create job opportunities that are worthwhile, especially during the current financial crisis. Let's learn together!

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Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)


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