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Instructor Name

Salem Sobha


Industrial Automation and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).


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Course Requirements

  • To enroll in the PLC Fundamentals course, students should have a basic understanding of electrical circuits and industrial control systems. Familiarity with programming concepts would be beneficial but not mandatory.

Course Description

The PLC Fundamentals course provides a comprehensive introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and their role in industrial automation. Students will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts, components, and programming languages used in PLC systems. The course covers topics such as PLC hardware, memory organization, input/output modules, timers and counters, data manipulation, troubleshooting, and communication protocols. Through practical exercises and case studies, students will develop the skills necessary to design, program, and maintain PLC-based control systems.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

1.       Explain the role and advantages of PLCs in industrial automation.

2.       Identify and describe the components of a PLC system.

3.       Write basic programs using ladder logic and other programming languages used in PLCs.

4.       Understand the scan cycle and its different stages.

5.       Configure and interface input/output modules with sensors and actuators.

6.       Utilize timers and counters for time-based operations and event tracking.

7.       Perform data manipulation using mathematical, logical, and comparison instructions.

8.       Troubleshoot common issues in PLC systems and interpret diagnostics.

9.       Establish communication between PLCs and other devices or systems.

10.   Apply the knowledge gained to design and maintain PLC-based control systems effectively.

Course Curriculum

1 PLC Overview
15 Min

2 Input-Output Section
15 Min

3 Relay Instructions as well as Basics of Programming
20 Min

4 Professionalism
12 Min


Salem Sobha

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0 Reviews
4 Students
9 Courses

Hey there! I'm an Online Marketing tutor with over 11 years of experience in Digital Marketing. I offer jargon-free classes to individuals at any level, whether you're a beginner or already have some knowledge of biddable media. I've trained members of staff to increase their knowledge and also people who have never worked with Google, Facebook, or any other biddable channels before.

I absolutely love education (I'm currently studying at University myself), and I'm confident that I can deliver the courses in a way that you'll get a lot out of the sessions. I'm passionate about passing on knowledge because I believe that as an industry, we can create job opportunities that are worthwhile, especially during the current financial crisis. Let's learn together!

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PLC Fundamentals


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