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Instructor Name

ADAM Chester


Civil Engineering


4.4 (7 rating)

Start Date & Time

3rd Aug, 2024 At 12:49 AM

End Date & Time

3rd Aug, 2024 At 01:34 AM


Course Description

Round the world holidays are on the bucket list for many, but for those who are making it a reality (or those who just love to day dream) we’ve come up with our best travel tips. Whether you are on a tight budget or planning a lavish travelling extravaganza, we’ve got you covered to help you stay safe, make the most of your money and most importantly make it an unforgettable experience.

Course Schedule


ADAM Chester

4.4 Rating
7 Reviews
214 Students
42 Courses

Dr. Aadam is an interventional gastroenterologist who possesses specialized expertise in gastrointestinal oncology, as well as complex pancreas and biliary disorders. He is an integral member of a multi-disciplinary team that incorporates the latest research and state-of-the-art technology into a patient-centered comprehensive care plan. Dr. Aadam is actively engaged in clinical research and has been invited to present his work at several national conferences. He has undergone additional training to perform advanced endoscopic procedures, including endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), ERCP, and stent placement within the gastrointestinal tract. Currently, he is leading the initiative in endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), which allows for the removal of early cancers in the gastrointestinal tract using a flexible endoscope as an alternative to invasive surgery in certain situations.

In the classroom, it is imperative to create a cooperative community that models the importance of mutual respect and cooperation among all community members. As an educator, I am skilled in adapting to students' diverse learning styles to ensure that each student is provided with an equitable opportunity to learn and succeed.

Student Feedback

Class 2


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